I was emailed about possibly attending a conference with Uber while they were in SLC. But for me, being an Uber driver was initially done out of a curiosity rather than a real need for extra cash.
I just received an email this morning regarding the official rules of conduct of being an Uber Driver/Rider. Here's the standards: https://www.uber.com/legal/community-guidelines/us-en/
I totally agreed with everything until I got to the section:
Firearms BanFor me, having a stranger in my car required me to be prepared should my safety be in jeopardy and I need to defend myself. I simply refuse to trust anyone to enter my car to be compliant with the Uber standards. If they get in my car and attempt a carjacking, I want to be prepared to defend that action.
Uber prohibits riders and drivers from carrying firearms in a vehicle while using our app. You can learn more about our firearms prohibition policy here. [1] If you violate Uber’s firearms prohibition policy, you may lose access to Uber.
It's not as if I would openly carry it or have it visible at all. For those three rides, I had my firearm easily accessible but completely out of sight. In the United States, we are finding more and more of an attitude that by simply banning firearms, that bad-guys will respect those rules. That is a false and dangerous ideology. Banning firearms on private property, fine. But what I have in my car, that is completely legal in my state, is NOT for Uber to decide.
So goodbye Uber, I am done with you. You need to rethink the rights of your riders and drivers to carry firearms in a concealed manner by permitted users.