Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Flashback of scary spitting laughing man on the wall of the cabin

For some reason I remembered this creepy toy on the wall, with the laugh.  I think Grandma had a rule that we could only pull the tie once a day.  It kept us kids entertained.


DD said...

You can actually buy these on ebay! I've thought about it, but then I'd have all my kids sleeping with me for weeks if I put one of those in my house.
I remember watching that man on the cabin wall with horrific amazement at my young age!

John Holley said...

Thanks for putting this on! My cousin had one and as 8 year old boys we were totally addicted to it for a while. I was fascinated at the compelling sound of the consistent laugh track, always the same. Such a creepy, fun and unusual toy.

Aynjel Benson said...

I was sitting with my partner when he started laughing with a familiar laugh, I looked up "old man spit when you pull tie" on Google and your link was first! Had to email link to my parents. Thanks for the flashback!