Thursday, May 10, 2007

To hell with rebates! TigerDirect and you suck!

This is the second time I've had serious problems with rebates and ultimately did not get a rebate. This time it was for $40. I ordered an external hard drive from Tiger Direct. Printed out the rebate form immediately afterwards and put it in my bag.

My item comes a week or so later and I get my rebate form and it is all beat up and ripped from being loose in my bag (not very smart on my part I know). So I went back and reprint the rebate from the same item and send it in. Come to find out that the form that I printed the second time is for another rebate. Mine was purchased at the end of March and the one I reprinted was for purchases in April. So OnRebate denies the claim.

I go back to Tiger Direct and find the OLD March rebate form and email it back to OnRebate and they respond saying they cannot make corrections over email and that it has to be mailed. However the actual rebate form is found at's website and the link no longer works. Now what?!!! $40 down the drain.

If you have don't have problems with rebates, you must be a lawyer or Software QA guy. But for me, I will boycott buying items that are on Rebate. Give me the saving up front you cheap manufacturers!! The way you get your money is counting on people like me to mess one little thing up and then the whole thing is screwed.

TigerDirect and OnRebate you suck! I used to be a very loyalty TigerDirect customer. Not anymore. Shame on them for enticing you with low prices (after rebate) and then hand you off to some tight-ass stickler! Oh I know On rebate..... "We're only enforcing the manufacturers rebate conditions." Shut the hell up and I hope people realize its just a gamble in getting their money back and a scam.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your problems. Rebates do suck sometimes. I am going to forward your issue to some of the people at TigerDirect. We don't want to loose your business over this. If you have any further issues feel free to e-mail me directly at

Tiger Direct

Anonymous said...

Please contact me to assist in resolving your issue directly.

Lonny Paul
Dir. of Interactive Media

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Eric for notifying me of these comments. I turned off comment modification so I didn't get an email. Thanks Logan and Lonny. I'm surprised that this post drew any attention at all. I have emailed Lonny just now and will update this post with an update. TigerDirect may actually win me over again. I may have been overly critical of them after all.