Friday, September 14, 2007

Discovered "Within Temptation" and rediscovered static-x

Browsing around on Yahoo Music I found "Within Temptation" which sounds to me nearly identical to Evanescence. Which is great cause they rock. I downloaded their latest three albums and so far have been pleased. Here is one of my favorites - Mother Earth.

But on the way to work I heard another song from Static-X which I've had for a while. I was getting into it. What Static-X lacks vocally (which isn't necessarily bad, just different and intriguing) it makes up for in Guitars and Drums. Here is one of my favorites - Chromamatic. The vocals sound just like their name "static".


Anonymous said...

I really really thought that first song, Withing Temptation, was great. You sure don't listen to the mainstream eccentric and dignified!
DD :)

Anonymous said...

Gee Thanks. Cathi wouldn't say my taste is dignified. She classifies my musical preference as a character flaw. I've never typically liked Top 40 stuff.