Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Oh if things were simpler

Last weekend we went up to the cabin and it seems like every time we drive through Logan we really enjoy the small town feeling and the "out in the woods" feel and I often say out loud, "Wouldn't it be nice to live here. I think I'll retire here". Last time I even said wouldn't it be nice to get a job up here? Well coincidently I got an email yesterday with a couple job openings for a web developer in Logan. I applied, although it seems highly unlikely it will progress very far. The salary they are offering is not remotely in the range we would need. Reminds me of the Talking Heads Song where you question your place in life. Oh if things were simpler. There are so many variables to consider and I think a change at this point of this magnitude would do more harm than good. But here's to dreaming!

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